iKnowledge School of Technology

Website Training

Website Training?

Why Do You Need Web Design Training?

Nowadays, a website is so essential in today’s marketplace, that it can make or break a transaction when your customers search for you online. Even if you decide to hire a third party, it is also very useful to learn the basics and fundamentals of web design.

After 18 years of experience in the Web design and IT industry, we can’t wait to share with you the best practices to have a Website that “speaks your business” the right way. 

A good training should cover the advanced marketing strategies and website platforms every business owner needs to know about. 

If your company’s website is still under construction even better! attend this training so we will give you insider tips and shortcuts when creating it, and how to avoid critical errors during its deployment. 

7 Reasons why you should learn Web Design, now more than ever:

1) Become savvy about the pros and cons of using WordPress and how to get started quickly. You will be able to save thousands of dollars when creating your site.

2) Independence: You will not have to rely on a third party or designer to make minor changes on your website. You can learn how to register your domain and where to host your site. 

3) How to setup Payment platforms such as Paypal, Square or Venmo, and the pros and cons of each one saving you money on the setup, not to mention you will not have to share your private and financial information with anyone else.

4) With the ongoing changes in Google’s algorithms and Facebook lately, you need to learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools, the best ways to organically increase your site’s rankings, and tons of free and effective online tools and cyber-venues to help you get the conversion you need.

5) You will learn how to present the right information: Explaining the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘when’ of your business to both existing customers and potential customers.

6) Building/Expanding Your Brand Image: Having consumers associate your name with specific attributes/services/products, and you will get full control of that.

7) Creating Relationships: Your website helps you to personalize your business and connect with your customers without having met them.

Ready to get started? Contact us for our Web Design Training rates and availability. 

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