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Fix the Formula in Excel That Omits Adjacent Cells Quickly!

Writer: iKnowledge SchooliKnowledge School

Sometimes when you type a formula in Excel and need to select the cell right above it you may see a formula overlap covering exactly what you need

If this happens, the font may be too big or the row is too small but don't worry, we have 4 ways for you to fix this quickly.

This can be fixed by resizing the rows in four different ways, the first one is by placing the mouse in between the row headers and double click on it, please read the rest of the article for more advanced tricks.

If you have just a few lines with this error this will do, but what if you have multiple items in the same worksheet with this issue?

Then let me show you the second way which is to highlight the whole sheet by selecting the triangle tab on the upper left-hand corner and then go in between any of the row headers and double click on it.

Double click in between the row headers as shown below to resize the rows.

What if you discover that more than one worksheet is also creating this error?

The third fix is by selecting one of the tabs, holding the CTRL key, and selecting the other tabs that you need. Once again, select the triangle tab on the upper left-hand corner and double click in between the row headers.

Let's kick it up a notch with our fourth trick: what if you want to fix the entire worksheet? here's the fourth method, first place your mouse on top of any of the tabs, right click on it so you can see the Tabs menu, choose Select All Sheets at the bottom, and once again, resize the rows until this error disappears.

Please let us know your comments and feedback, remember we can train your business in everything Excel. Thank you!


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